

제품선택 가이드

SCRIM & FIBERTYPE Generic name Polyester PE+Homo Acrylic Poly Propylne Poly Phenylene Sulfide Meta Aramid Polyimide Glass + PTFE Membrane PTFE
사용온도 RANGE OF TEMP Continuous operating temp (Maximum)  130℃ (150) 130℃ (150) 90℃ (100) 190℃ (230) 200℃ (240) 240℃ (280) 260℃ (280) 260℃ (290)
물리적 특성 PHYSICAL PROPERTY Weight (g/m²) 500~700 600 550 550 550 550 750 750
Thickness (mm) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1.1
Permeability (cc/cm²/sec) 7~18 8~18 8~20 10~18 10~18 10~18 2~6 7~20
화학적 특성 CHEMICAL PROPERTY Acids Bad Good Excellent Excellent Bad Very Good Excellent Excellent
Alkalies Bad Bad Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Excellent Excellent
Solvents Good Excellent Excellent Good Good Good Excellent Excellent
Oxidizing agents Excellent Good Good Bad Bad Good Excellent Excellent
Hydrolysis Bad Good Excellent Excellent Bad Good Excellent Excellent
필터형태 원통형 또는 주름형 Filter bag or Pleated Bag 원통형 주름형 원통형 주름형 원통형 원통형 원통형 주름형 원통형 원통형 원통형
제작가능 최대길이 원통형(주름형) 10m (2m) 10m (2m) 10m 10m 10m (2m) 10m 10m 10m
집진용도 Use for dust collection 공정
Bag Filter Group (Pulse Air) 적정 사용온도(℃) Chemical Resistance
Acid Alkaline
Row Mill PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Kiln Gas &Clinker Nomex 200 Bad Good
Glass 260 Excellent Bad
Cement Mill PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Coal Mill PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Iron&steel- making casting
전기로 Electric Furnace PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
건물집진 Building dust collection PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Shot Blast PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
큐보라 Cupola Nomex 200 Bad EXCELLENT
석회소성로 Lime burning funace PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Carbon Black Carbon Black 제조
Carbon Black manufacture
Nomex 200 Bad Excellent
Glass 260 Excellent Bad
타🕔어 제조  Tire manufacture PE+Acrylic 110 Good GOOD
비철용해 Non metal melting Fume 집진 Fume collection PE / PE+Acrylic 110 Good Good (Bad)
Polypropylene(P.P) 70 Excellent Excellent
Ryton 190 Excellent Excellent
Acrylic 120 Excellent Bad
Plastic P.V.C
A.B.S Resin Boilers
원자재 회수
Collection of raw materials
Tunber boiler
Polyester Nomex(Antiacid) 110
Good Good Bad Excellent
Glass 260 Excellent Bad
Acrylic 120 Excellent Bad
벙커C유 보일러
Bunker C oil boiler
Nomex(Antiacid) 200 Good Excellent
Glass 260 Excellent Bad
Ryton 190 Excellent Excellent
석탄 보일러 Coal boiler Nomex(Antiacid) 200 Good Excellent
Glass 260 Excellent BAD
Ryton 190 Excellent Excellent
Tefaire 250 Excellent Excellent
Teflon 240 Excellent Excellent
Aspalt Aspalt Production Nomex 200 Bad Excellent
Nomex(Antiacid) 200 Good Excellent
Acrylic 120 Excellent Bad
기타 Etc 일반Dust포집
(Collection of general dust)
Polyester 110 Good Bad